Let's Get You Started
You will need your new credentials, sent via email from us, containing your Username and Password for our app.
The username should be in the form of an email address ending with "@virtualprotective.com"
iOS & Android:
On Mobile, touch the "cloud cameras" button, and on the next screen, input your user email and password, then select "sign in."
You Should now see your cameras listed in thumbnail view. Select a camera to watch live.
Be sure to turn your phone to landscape mode for full screen viewing
On Web, go to:
Input your user email and password, then click sign in.
You can now see your cameras listed on the "home" and "camera" tabs.
To View Multiple Cameras at once, go to the "Cameras" Tab and on the click the "list" dropdown on the top of the page. Now select the size of grid you would like. 2x2 = 4 Camera Views
Now, just drag the cameras you want to watch onto the grid
**Note - We are aware of a bug: sometimes when swapping a camera on the grid view, user must drag camera twice before it will play. We are working on a fix.

Click One Of The Buttons Below To Download/ Sign In